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8 Home Security Tips to help keep seniors safe


8 Home Security Tips to help keep seniors safe

Here are 8 home security tips to help keep seniors safe:

digital network hd video recordersSenior citizens are often the targets of home invasions and robberies, making home security systems a critical tool for keeping them safe. They can provide peace of mind, knowing their homes are protected against intruders. Additionally, home security systems can detect smoke and carbon monoxide, allowing them to stay safe from accidental fires and gas leaks. Lastly, some systems have features such as medical alert systems that can help seniors contact authorities in case of an emergency.

1) Install a home security system: A home security system can deter burglars and provide peace of mind for seniors. When choosing a home security system, be sure to consider the needs of the senior and the size of the home.

2) Keep doors and windows locked: This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important to remind seniors to keep all doors and windows locked, even when they’re home. Burglars often target homes that appear to be unoccupied.

3) Trim trees and shrubs: Overgrown trees and shrubs can provide cover for burglars. Be sure to trim trees and shrubs so that they don’t block the view of the home from the street.

4) Install motion-sensor lights: Motion-sensor lights can deter burglars and make the home appear occupied. Be sure to install motion-sensor lights around the perimeter of the home.

5) Get to know your neighbors: Seniors who get to know their neighbors are more likely to be noticed if something goes wrong. Be sure to introduce yourself to your neighbors and let them know that you’re a senior living alone.

6) Have a plan in case of an emergency: Seniors should have a plan in place in case of an emergency, such as a fire or a medical emergency. This plan should include a way to contact family or friends, as well as a way to get out of the home if necessary.

7) Be aware of scams: Seniors are often targeted by scams. Be sure to be aware of common scams and how to avoid them.

8) Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If a senior feels unsafe, they should not be afraid to ask for help from family, friends, or a professional security company. According to a 2017 report published by the Detroit Police Department, the total number of reported crimes in Detroit was 22,093, with 4,466 of those crimes being committed against senior citizens.

By following these tips, seniors can help to keep their homes safe and secure.


Contact us today for a free security needs assessment with one of our expert technicians.


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